The Guppy fish care tips and most important details
In this article, I am going to talk about some basic yet important details about the Guppy fish and guppy breeds.
Guppies are one type of livebearers that perfectly fits into your freshwater tank. They are easy to keep and looks awesome.
There are so many various types of guppies, all around the world. They are getting categorise by various factors.
This is almost the first fish of most aquarium hobby starters, including me. This fish is very cheap in the pet shops, small in size and yet really attractive.
In this post, you can read all you need to know about the amazing Guppy fish and some important facts about Guppy fish care.
You may love to add Guppy fish in your fish tanks
As I noted out before, this fish is very attractive. They are coming with different color variation and even some types have kind of glowing colors. They are small and very peaceful.
They have a wide tail in their backside which is extremely colourful. When they swimming around the tank, they moving their tail and it will give a very eye-catching look.

Normally Guppies are the best choice for a planted tank. They live with other smaller fish very friendly. They don’t give much trouble to the tank and caring for Guppy fish is extremely easy.
They are very common and it makes them very cheap in the market. Even they are common there are so many different variations of them. And each one has a different look, different patterns among them.
Trust me you will never get disappointed by adding the Guppy fish in your home aquarium or ponds. Having a guppy fish tank will be an unforgettable memory.
Basic details you should know about the Guppies
Both male and female guppies are really active when they are in a good environment. This fish is in the beginner care level because of the Guppy fish care is easy.
It means if you are a beginner in the aquarium hobby, this fish will be a good choice to start and it’s easy to care for them even as a beginner.
Caring for a guppy fry is easy as well as caring adult guppy fish in your community fish tank. In fact they also one of the best fish for your planted tank.
The size of this fish is going around 1/0.8 inches to 2 inches. The size can be different from various facts.
The main reasons will be the environment they grow and the fish food for guppies can change with the environment they live as well as the food they get.
Guppy fish is one type of livebearer fish (keep eggs inside of the body). Baby guppy fish also know as Guppy fries.
When talking about male vs female guppies, usually, the male guppy fish is very beautiful than the female one.
Male fish are looking thin and have an attractive tail with various color patterns in the body.
Female guppy fish have a kind thick look and they have a smaller tail comparing to the male fish and fewer colors also. There are almost 300 different types of Guppies in the world.
Guppies are a member fish of the family Poeciliidae. They also love Omnivores’ kind diets the same as Platy fish.
In some countries, this fish even use to control the growth of mosquitoes. Because they eat mosquito larvae and it will control the breeding of mosquitoes on one side.
The basic environment and care tips for guppy fish
When considering about giving the best environment for Guppy fish, the tank is really important. Since they need to have enough space to live peacefully.
The tanks should be minimum a 5 gallons tank. Any tank smaller than 5 gallons, will be not suite with this freshwater fish.
They live in freshwater and love to live in a natural kind environment. So adding some live plants and substrate to your guppy tank will make them a really good environment to live in.
Add some live plants to the tank also will make the tank beautiful, with this fish it will be more and more beautiful. I will talk about aquarium plants in another article later.
The sand bottom environment will be also OK but they more like to live in a river type environment. Adding small stones, rocks and adding some dwarf wood will be a good choice too.

The water of the tank should properly clean and need to have clean water. The water temperature needs to be between 75 to 82OF. You can use an aquarium heater to control the water temperature. The PH of the water is better to be between 7.0 and 7.2.
It will be a good habit of having a filter in your tank. Guppy fish will not make your tank a mess much but keeping a filter for a tank is better to practice with any kind of fish.
If you think how long do guppies live? the lifespan of a guppy fish is about around 2 years. But it depends on the environment.
It’s nice to keep those details when you having Guppies as Guppy fish care tips.
Different types of Guppy fish
As I mentioned above, there are like 300 types of guppy fish we can see. Basically, these types can categorize as its colors, tails patters, color patterns, etc.
By colors, we can indicate red Guppy, neon blue Guppy, bronze Guppy, green Guppy, etc
By tail pattern, we can see Guppy varieties such as fantail Guppy, veiltail Guppy, scarftail Guppy, etc.
I am not going to talk about all the Guppy fish types here. But I will share two videos from my YouTube channel (Tech Nova) which shows the different types of Guppies. You can also connect with my channel to learn about many more freshwater fish types and topics.
Guppy fish tank mates
When considering keeping a fish in your tank, tank mates are another important fact to talk about.
To have a better life in a fish tank or a pond, any fish should live with matching tank mates. Those tank mates should not harm their regular life or the fish you adding should not harm the older mates of your tank.
So as best tank mates for Guppies, you can add Tetras, Barbs, Danio types, Platies, Mollies and other livebearers.
Otherwise, they scare stress and that will lead even to make them die.
in this post, I tried to cover up as much as basic details about this awesome freshwater fish. I have separated the post with some subheadings and talk about each part separately.
Also, I have added two videos I have shared through my own YouTube channel as reverences of types of guppy fish. I am planning to make separate posts for the talk about types of each freshwater fish. So, many new posts are coming soon.
If you like to add something to the article or would like to share your thoughts about the post, you are most welcome to use the comment box below.
I appreciate all your feedback.
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Will frog eat guppy? Thank u for describing about guppies. I was eagerly wanted to know about them . But the only doubt is ,will frogs eat them. I searched in more sites,but didn’t. I am cultivating guppies in lotus pond . So inside it there are 3 frogs . I tried my best to avoid them but didn’t. Can u please clear my doubt?
Hi there Ajay, I am 100% agree that frogs make trouble in ponds always. According to the ur question, Usually frogs are not eating the guppies. But there can be a possibility of 10% some frogs may eat guppy fry. So I would recommend you that, Keep your pond away from the frogs. They will come to lay eggs and which not ok for the fish to live nicely. To avoid this u can add some cover around the pond. Or add some net from the top of the pond which has smaller spaces So the frogs cant lay eggs between those spaces. keeping a nice height between the net and the pond surface will be good.
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